Plant-based vegan and vegetarian catering

More environmentally friendly weddings in southern Spain!

It's quite well accepted these days that a plant-based diet is much kinder to the environment, helping to cut carbon emissions while also helping to put an end to the unethical modern farming methods for mass meat production! Considering an all-vegan, or vegetarian wedding menu, for all your guests, can be a fantastic way to play your part while showing those die-hard meat eaters how good plant-based food can really be! Marbella Bride can help you make that vision a reality, with amazing delicious and highly nutritious plant-based menu options at select wedding/event venues throughout the Costa del Sol.  If you are hosting your wedding at a private villa, we can provide high-quality vegan catering for you at your venue! 

You can choose from all vegan seated special menu's, or vegan/vegetarian buffets, we can also arrange a vegan wedding cake, which looks and tastes as good as any regular cake, if not better! 

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Being based on the Mediterranean means access to amazing local produce, fresh olive oil, juicy Spanish tomatoes and wonderful fruits that help produce amazing, mouth-watering plant-based menu's your guests will love! Why not contact Marbella Bride, Spain's leading wedding and event specialist, we are delighted to help you host a low carbon wedding here in Spain. 

Taking it further!

Environmentally-friendly solutions!

Let's be honest, if you have travelled to Spain with a large group of people, by plane or road, you have probably made Greta Thunberg frown already! However, you can at least try to avoid her shouting "how dare you!", by doing your best to respect the environment while here! There are lots of ways to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental damage your wedding produces! Eliminating single-use plastics, such as plastic straws, water bottles, plastic confetti and balloons, for example, can really help! Insisting on locally grown flowers and locally sourced natural decoration, rather than imported goods, can really cut down on the carbon too! Marbella Bride are delighted to work with you and find solutions to ensure your wedding is as kind as possible to mother nature, but still an awesome day!  You can also have your guests contribute a little to one of the charities that help with carbon offsetting, or ocean clean up's, every little we can do really helps! 

The time for change is now, so why not let your wedding mark the start of that change!

Your children, the animals and the future generations will thank you for it!
Natural decoration for weddings

Stick to local and natural decoration, instead of imported goods! 

English florist Costa del Sol

Services for your wedding on the Costa del Sol..

Situated on the Costa del Sol, Malaga coastline of southern Spain

Specialist in the planning and provision of weddings and events

Professional services for weddings and special occasions, Marbella Bride.

Director: Mark Antony Borrow