You may already know what you have in mind, you have probably pictured your ideal wedding setting, but you are still having trouble to track down the perfect wedding venue, it's a common story! Spain is full of potential venues in which you could host your wedding and all these venue are very different, from rustic to ultra modern, beach side to hidden valleys adorned with rolling mountains! Hotels and beach clubs, rustic beach side restaurants to villas and rural fincas, when it comes to choosing the right wedding venue on the Costa del Sol, a lot of choice can make it even harder! Some wedding venues on the Costa del Sol cannot support live music, or big loud parties, others can, but maybe they have other drawbacks that are holding you back!
Marbella Bride over 200 wedding venues throught the Costa del Sol on our books, we cannot possibly list them all on our website, so if our recommended venues are not for you, why not fill in this detailed form below so that we can help you find the perfect location for your wedding celebrations!